Important Information
We have a new photographer in training, and can't wait to get her scheduled with clients.
She has years of wedding photography experience, and is excited to join our team!
Krista's schedule is already filling up for 2021!
Krista's days off are Sundays and Mondays.
August to November, Krista is off Friday evenings to watch her son play his senior year of football!
Please keep this in mind when scheduling.
Our studio is closed on Mondays.
2021 and 2022 wedding space is limited!
Be sure to book your wedding!
Be on the look out for specialty minis, including:
Cherry Blossoms
Beach Minis
Cocoa Minis
Tree Farm Minis
Shady Lane Minis
Red Truck Minis
Santa Red Truck Mini
Important dates to remember!
Sunday February 14th - Valentine's Day
Saturday February 27th - Studio will be Spring ready
Sunday April 4th - Easter
Sunday July 4th - Fourth of July
Saturday October 2nd - Studio will be Holiday ready
Sunday October 31st - Halloween
Thursday November 25th - Thanksgiving
Wednesday December 1st - Last day to order custom gifts to ensure delivery
Monday December 20th - Last day to order prints for the holiday
Friday December 24th - Christmas Eve
Saturday December 25th - Christmas
Friday December 31st - New Years Eve